Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Fine Friday

Last night Stephen and I went to Pennsylvania to eat at a restaurant where one of my friends cooks. We got a little lost but it was a fun time. Than on our way back into the NJ we were like hey lets call up some friends. So we called Chirstopher Robin and met up at an all night diner and we each ate a strange thing. Stephen had a waffle and coffee, Christopher had a bacon, egg and cheese sandwhich and I had a hot chocolate and cottage cheese. It was so much fun. We talked about movies and dating and I realized yet again how old I'm getting. Or rather how my life is in transition from childhood to adult hood. It's fun but scary! It was a really nice friday night spent with good friends.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


My parents have been slowly cleaning out the attic the past month or so and this weekend I lended a hand. We were going through this box of all my stuff from I think 1st grade but some 2nd grade as well. I haven't laughed so hard in ages! I was one strange child. Well, I guess no weirder than any other but it was so fun to look at. I was a terrible speller! Although in Flemington, NJ they invented "inventive spelling" where kids got to spell things however they wanted. Not such a good idea. Cause I still can't spell. And I think I spelled the word weather "whare" yeah that makes sense. But it was fun to say the least. I spent alot of time going through old favorite books and finding one of my fave toy! A small asian inspired umbrella. I loved that thing! And after going through all those boxes I spent the evening reading "Theres a Wocket in My Pocket" and "and "The Very Bad Bunny" to Stephen. I wish I could be 6 again....

Monday, September 24, 2007

No Eating Out

Stephen and I decided that for the whole month of September we would only eat out once a week for our weekly lunch at our favorite Diner. It's been rough. But we are saving alot of money. And getting in touch with our inner chef's again! I've noticed I'm eating much healthier and I can't believe all the money we are saving. It was a good idea. But I am very much looking foward to October!

Oat Bran Delight!

So the past few days I've been having Hot Oat Bran Cereal for breakfast. I have to say I think my Grandpa Howie would be proud of me! My mom had suggested I try it so I did and I spiced it up with some brown sugar. It tasted pretty good. Than this morning I got really creative. I added some dried fruit which was inspired by my cousin and her husband who made me oatmeal and added dried fruit which was delicious! So I added some crasians and some apricots and brown sugar, cinnamon, a little milk and voila! a wonderful healthy bowl of oat bran. I suggest giving it a try. I even had it for dinner one night!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bagels, State Parks, and Cities

The past year I have really come to appreciate all the things around me. I think it took my sister moving to the crazy state of Kentucky for me to realize this about a few things. Like Bagels. It's hard to find a good one some places. Or any at all. A good Italian deli. Good New Jersey Pizza. Also, I'm within 10 minutes of two different state parks with walking trails, a lake, fishing, boating. And I'm centrally located between both Philadelphia and New York City. I need to stop complaining and be happy. I have so much around me. Especially the Bagels!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

And it all came tumbling down....

Do you ever just get the feeling that your whole life is just falling apart? Well I have that feeling just a little. Only certain aspect of my life are crumbling. So if you think about me could you just pray I keep on trucking and don't wallow in my own crap? I would appreciate it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Just One of Those Days

Warning: I am now going to rant.

Ok so I'm a dance teacher. I like to think I'm pretty good at it. I mostly teach ballet and frankly thats the only form of dance I'm good at teaching. I'm ok at Jazz and according to a certain mother I'm a disastrous tap teacher. And hey I agree! I am terrible! And I tried to tell my boss that and did she listen? No. And now I'm left here feeling a like a piece of poop. I'm good at what I do. It's not my fault her kid wasn't good and I couldn't teach her. I mean they were saying she'd been taking tap since she was in the womb but I couldn't tell! And I'd been up since 7am and teaching all freakin day! I'm sorry I complained about my feet hurting in front of your child. You try being on your feet and dancing since 3:30 and it's now 7:30. You'd be tired and cranky and you're brain would be fried too. And to top it all off I had be in a non air conditioned studio for all those classes and I try to switch for this one freakin tap class and the other teachers have the guts to say "Well I don't want to go in that studio the ac's broken" Well guess what?! It's been me and one other teacher who have had to be in there all freakin week!!! And yet I'm always willing and easy going. I don't complain about the stupid AC. Whatever. Rant over.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Good Bye Summer

It's over. My friends went back to school. I start teaching on Monday. It's sad. But I spent the last week of my summer doing fun things. I really enjoyed myself. Here are pictures to prove it!

Wild West City

So since yesterday was the last day of summer for most of my college friends we decided to do something fun. My friend David had won a pass for four people to attend Wild West City for free! So he invited Stephen and I and an old friend of ours from high school. So we went and had a great time! We saw Indian dancing and took a stage coach ride and saw a saloon fight! It was a very nice day all around spent with good friends. Pictures to follow soon!