Friday, November 7, 2008

The Right To Vote Pt. 2

So apparently I don't have the right to vote. I am still too frustrated by the whole experience to go into too much detail but I will say that I was not able to vote this past Tuesday. I was lied to (many times over) and I believe that is what resulted in my inability to enact my right. I of course embarrassed myself at the polls by crying, and then I raged for about 30 minutes at home before calming down enough to cook dinner and watch the events of the night. Obama winning came as no surprise to me but I fear for the kind of country he will turn this into. Stephen and I have been talking lately about moving to Europe someday and the idea is appealing to me more and more. I'm disappointed overall about the voting process and I think I'm too tired and frustrated to find answers. It's been a month of trying to get the answers I wanted.

On a lighter note I did enjoy watching Mighty Pythons Flying Circus' "Election Night Special". I think it will always be my favorite sketch from that show. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I just might not vote until Tarquin Fin Lin Tin Fatang Fatang Ole Biscuit Barrel (Silly Party) is up for nomination again. I think the Election Night Special is often the only thing worth watching on election day anyway!