Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I haven't blogged in such a long time. I always convince myself no one really wants to hear about my mundane life. And maybe you don't, but I think I'm going to tell you anyway.

I have been experiencing life very differently lately. I have had very little money and yet I have 3 jobs. I have 3 jobs but seem to never have anything to do. So for the last few months I have been enjoying watching movies from the library, making creative meals out of what's in my pantry, going to the free city beach on Lake Michigan, and riding my trike and using public transportation as much as possible. It's been pretty fun. My new job at the dance store downtown is great. My boss is halarious (most of the time) and I love the two girls I work with. It's fairly easy work as I know the products I'm selling so well and it's a very relaxed enviorment. My job at the studio has been slow as I'm only teaching two nights a week. And my job at Charlotte Russe is the same. 

Stephen had to go back to New Jersey for the rest of the summer because he couldn't find any work here in Michigan. He'll be working at the Thai restaurant again. He left yesterday and I'm already terribly sad with out him. He is coming with a few friends of ours the first week in August for a visit and will be back again at the start of the school year. It's going to be such a long four weeks to say the least. 

I've decided that for the rest of the summer I'm going to go to the beach every Sunday (weather permitting), read at least 4 good books, eat lots of ice pops late at night, and spend time with the new friends I've made out here this last year.

1 comment:

howie said...

Good to read your Blog.I'm happy for you, even though times sound a little tough.When i come out to visit, i hope it's in the summer. i want to try lake Michigan..