Tuesday, June 5, 2007

On Sunday I went to my old dance studios performance. It was such a good show but it is always strange going back and seeing all the old people. Some friends some not. But I did see my one friend who decided to stop dancing and she looks so good and so happy. I told her how proud I am that she made the choice and isn't ashamed of it. It's good to see her so happy. I also saw one friend who has been in Miami the past year and a half. She too looks great! And I saw my old jazz teacher. He invited me to take class with him on Thursday in the city. I don't really want to go but it's free! And one of my friends is going with me so I feel like I won't make such a fool out of myself when I have someone there to laugh with. It should be fun. I hope so anyway.

Oh! And if you want to see this old jazz teacher of mine watch The View tomorrow morning he's performing on it!

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