Monday, April 21, 2008

Grand Rapids

As some of you may or may not know I am moving this summer. I am going to Grand Rapids, MI. That's right. I'm moving to the mid-west! Stephen is transferring to Calvin College and since I am rather fond of Stephen I decided to go out there too. I just got back from a trip there with my mom and I love it! It's a beautiful and safe city with lots to do and I secured a part time job as a dance teacher. I also looked at some apartments and found a few that I liked (one that I really liked!) and I just need to hear back from a few people before I make a decision. I am so excited to be getting out on my own and starting something new. I believe that Stephen and I are really going to be happy out there for the next few years and I'm excited to see where life takes us after that. Perhaps Chicago or even New England (Stephens considering Yale for his masters)! It's all very exciting and as I said I'm looking forward to something new. Here are some pictures of the apartments I liked as well as the city itself.


faf said...

new england???? yale???? i'm going to school in the town over from yale. if this happens while i'm still at school you MUST let me know. i'm glad you like MI and i really hope everything works out for you two! love you!

michele said...

This sounds fabulous!
I am so very excited for you and your journey ahead.
Lots of love

Sarah said...

We'll only be NINE hours away... that's something I can do in a weekend! Lucy's already packing.