Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Move from Hell

I decided I can finally blog about my move here to GR. It was rather stressful to say the least and I now feel like I have moved past the trauma enough to talk about it. My mom and I had started off our day driving out to Michigan at around 6am. I was driving my car and my mom was driving the rented moving truck. After about 12 hours on the road and feeling tired, cranky, and with sore knees, we made it to my apartment. We went in and looked around and than checked into our hotel (we didn't want to bother moving anything in the first night). We got up the next morning and were really geared up to get going. We had a lot of trouble getting the tuck into the narrow driveway and that was only the beginning. We moved in the mattress, my large heavy dresser and a few other things before tackling the couch. Well, long story short, it got stuck in my insanely tiny door. It not only got stuck once but twice! After we had successfully gotten it out we thought trying it again was a good idea. But it wasn't at all. So anyway we called up the handy man, whose number I had gotten from my landlord, and he came by and got it in for us. I cried when it was in and I had trouble sitting on it for a few days. But everything else went great and then we had to move the truck out of that narrow driveway again. But after the adventure with the couch it seemed like a piece of cake.

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