Thursday, October 4, 2007

Echappee's and Sar Pei's

Shar-Pei –noun
one of a Chinese breed of large muscular dogs having a distinctive wrinkly skin covered by a fawn to dark brown smooth coat, originally developed as a guard dog.

Escaping or slipping movement. An échappé is a level opening of both feet from a closed to an open position.

So I have this one 4 year old student who is just so cute (aren't they all) and she asked me last week if we were going to do "Shar Pei's" I replied with a confused "Maybe!" Not quite understand what she ment but trying to sound on top of things. So this week she asked the same thing and it clicked in my head! She calls Echappee's Shar Pei's! It took everything in me not to crack up laughing. Especially cause she asked so seriously. Since this one girl was having trouble saying the name properly I had the whole class say "Echappee" with me. But there she is saying "A Shar Pei!" It was a very funny moment.

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