Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Leaving the Nest

So just a few weeks ago my parents told me they were planning on moving to Florida next spring and that I was more than welcome to go with them but I frankly don't want to do that. So I made the decision that come next spring I would move out on my own. And ya know what? I think it was just the push I needed. I really feel like my parents are saying "OK it's time to fly" as they push me to the edge of the nest. I don't mean that in a bad way though. It actually is one of the best things they could possibly do for me. As the thought sets in I'm actually looking forward to it. I mean of course I'll miss my parents and my dog and my home but I'm excited to start something new and by staying to Hunterdon County I think it'll make it easier than if I were moving to a strange state and city. I feel good about this and I am getting truly excited! Since I was planning on moving back in September I already have a lot of what I need so all I need to do is secure my full time job (which is basically done), look for an apartment come January, and find a roommate. Not too bad. It's kinda fun growing up.

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