Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Train Track Adventure

I had a very lovely weekend yet again. It was very relaxing and fun. I especially enjoyed Monday. After we had a lovely dinner with my fam Stephen and I went for a walk down the railroad tracks by my house. We had no idea where they lead since the train always stopped right outside my house. We walked and we walked and we met a turtle! We named him Benny the Turtle and we struggled with what we should do. After all the poor little guy was right in the center of the tracks. We decided to leave him though. He looked tough. Then we came upon a bridge what was rather creepy. But decided that we should climb up to the road and see where we were and have my parents come pick us up. So as Stephen was seeing the best way to climb up he stepped into the underbrush and a turkey flew out!!! It scared both of us out of our wits! But when we climbed to the top (after being assured nothing us would fly out at us) and found ourselves looking at a very lovely view of Spruce Run reservoir! And when we found the road it was quite a long way from my house! It was a very good adventure to say the least. Stephen took this incredible picture of me too!

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

It looks like there is a train barrelling down on you!